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Frequently Asked Questions

Functional Flows

Push, Prepare, Load

Q: What is Push, Prepare, Load (PPL)? How is it different to Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)?

A: PPL is the evolution of ETL. The PPL difference is that the data preparation is performed directly on the data arriving from source and is completed before it is loaded into the CryspIQ which makes stremed data load possible instead of the legacy batch methods if required.


Q: Does CryspIQ affect the integrity of my data?

A: CryspIQ applies your data quality checks to the data BEFORE entry into CryspIQ database which ensures quality data is provided to the consumers. Additionally, by removing layers or handling steps in the data availability process, we remove inconsistencies derived from interpretation, manipulation during a Transform step and also enforce removal of duplications as a standard.

Database Environment

Q: What database environment can CryspIQ be hosted on?

A: Any tool that allows relational record association using key value pairs (a relational database), e.g. SQL Server, Postgres, DB2, MySql, Oracle, Sybase, Amazon RDS, Apache Hive.

Big Data

Q: Can CryspIQ Handle Big Data?

A: Yes, CryspIQ can handle the volume, velocity and variety characteristics of Big Data can be configured to use industry standard technology such as Apache Hadoop in any cloud platform. When CryspIQ is configured for Big Data, users can benefit by getting the same or faster results as on the relational storage engine and optimised storage cost through the use of the underlying Big Data technology. Note that Big Data Configuration is in addition to the standard CryspIQ offering.


Q: Is my data safe?

A: Yes, CryspIQ leverages the Azure Active Directory framework to control authentication and defines internal access privileges. Data access level is controlled within CryspIQ and can be applied at a field level to ensure that people can only see what they are allowed to see irrespective of what queries they execute. Your data is controlled in a single place before consumption.


Q: What Data sources can be used with CryspIQ?

A: Any output that can be produced in a tabular format - Databases, Rest APIs, flat files etc. Please refer to System Plug-ins Library documentation for more information


Q: Can CryspIQ be used in my Industry?

A: Yes, the CryspIQ product is not limited to any specific industry.


Q: What benefit will CryspIQ bring to my business?

A: CryspIQ will deliver the following benefits:

  • Reducing data preparation and modelling effort for analytics and reporting by at least 50%.
  • Increased trust and confidence in data through improved quality.
  • Greater speed to insight, as new data can quickly be mapped, loaded and consumed.
  • Increased business user self-service through simplicity and ease of application.


Q: Which initiatives does CryspIQ enable?

A: The benefits of CryspIQ are realised by organisations that have initiatives in:

  • Data quality and governance.
  • Digitisation and data-driven decision making.
  • Analytics and reporting.
  • Data science (Predictive Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning).

Existing Data Platform

Q: Can CryspIQ co-exist with my existing Data Platform?

A: Yes, CryspIQ can reside alongside you existing Data Platform which can enable you to start realising some of the benefits of CryspIQ. As an interim solution, you can leverage your existing Layers to get your Data into CryspIQ, whilst you work through getting the Data direct from source. Please refer to Architecture documentation for more information

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