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Query Tool

This guide provides a step by step walkthrough of the Crysp IQ Query Tool

1. Click "Consume"

Start by clicking on the "Consume" menu item

Click 'Consume'

2. Click "Data Warehouse Query"

Then select the "Data Warehouse Query" menu option

Click 'Data Warehouse Query'

3. View CryspIQ Entities

The query tool shows all available entities in Crysp IQ, you can drag these entities to the middle part of the query tool to view the attributes

View CryspIQ Entities

4. View and select attributes

Here, you can select the attributes to use in the query builder. These attributes will be available in the query tool for filtering, sorting and grouping data as well as for applying ANSI SQL functions.

View and select attributes

5. Add and relate entities

You are also able to add more entities and create relationships between the entities

Add and relate entities

6. Write ANSI standard SQL to query CryspIQ

You can create ANSI standard SQL to query Crysp IQ. Create your SQL statement in the Query Editor to query your data.

Write ANSI standard SQL to query CryspIQ

7. Click "Preview"

Click on "Preview"

Click 'Preview'

8. View Query Results

You can now see the query results on this page.

View Query Results

This guide covered the steps to Query Tool in Crysp IQ.